Welcome to Lynn Miller's art gallery of pastels and watercolors.

Welcome to Lynn Miller's art gallery of pastels and watercolors.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Flowers are one of my favorite things to paint. I often have my camera in hand as I’m walking through different neighborhoods. While on a “garden stroll” I found these flowers growing along a fence. I loved the color and shapes and knew I needed to paint them. In arranging the composition I wanted to create a simple floral design where the flower forms filled up the page. Using a complementary color scheme in transparent watercolor, I made the shapes stand out from the background. This was done to create drama for the viewer. I hope you enjoy looking at this image as much as I enjoyed painting it.

This painting was done in transparent watercolor on Arches paper.
It is 19" x 27" with a 3 inch mat. The original watercolor is $600.