Welcome to Lynn Miller's art gallery of pastels and watercolors.

Welcome to Lynn Miller's art gallery of pastels and watercolors.

Friday, August 12, 2011


I was going apple picking with my grandchildren in the fall, and enjoyed seeing so many different varieties of apples. With camera in hand I took many photographs. In my studio, I selected a photo that offered the most possibility to explore light and shadows. The challenge for me was to create and interesting composition using reds and greens. Watercolors have the wonderful quality of being transparent and it’s difficult to use complementary colors and not get “mud”. My final painting has the intensity of color I had hoped for. Those apples do look good enough to eat.

The painting was done in transparent watercolor on Arches paper.
It is 19" x 25" with a 3 inch mat. The original watercolor is $600.00