Welcome to Lynn Miller's art gallery of pastels and watercolors.

Welcome to Lynn Miller's art gallery of pastels and watercolors.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


There is a beautiful garden in my neighborhood that I love to visit. It is always changing and is such a treat to walk by. The flowers seem to have a way of rearranging themselves each year in the most beautiful way. I love the way the colorful flowers stand out in front of the picket fence. The dark green in the background really make the fence and flowers pop. I took artistic license to reorganize some of the blooms to create a pleasing composition and repeat color patterns.

I took many photographs of the garden and wanted to paint it in all its glory. Living in that home and enjoying the beautiful garden is the “American Dream”. 

This painting was done on Wallis sanded paper. There is a watercolor under painting which shows through. The highlights were all done with soft pastels. The original painting is 17" x 19 1/2" and is $450.00